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Bead ID Help needed
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Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
01/14/2016, 17:10:43

Here's a bead I can't figure out. It looks like the hole has been partially filled with what looks like ground glass which was fused. Possibly this was done to repair the bead since there are a number of cracks that may go all the way through. Initially I thought the grey-ish stuff in the hole was sand that could be removed, but it is fused or otherwise bonded into a solid hard mass.

One side of the hole has a lot more of the different material than the other, as shown in these two views.

Is this a repaired Islamic period bead?

Note: The diameter is 15 mm and hole is 3 mm.

RFBlueWound14Jan2016a.jpg (44.5 KB)  RFBlueWound14Jan2016b.jpg (33.6 KB)  

Modified by Rosanna at Fri, Jan 15, 2016, 09:20:12

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Ground down...
Re: Bead ID Help needed -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: floorkasp Post Reply
01/15/2016, 05:29:38

Just brainstorming here....

Could this grey stuff be the original base of the bead?
I know some beads used to me made with a different core. Considering the fact that the bead is ground on both sides, that may be what revealed the inside. Seems to me like the most logical way to get it in the middle.

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Interesting possibility - has anyone seen other examples of such a technique?
Re: Ground down... -- floorkasp Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
01/15/2016, 06:21:37

Modified by Rosanna at Fri, Jan 15, 2016, 06:25:30

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Broken beads
Re: Interesting possibility - has anyone seen other examples of such a technique? -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: floorkasp Post Reply
01/15/2016, 08:13:35

In Hans' Flick Album ' Boulevard of Broken Beads' there are a few beads with a similar core. Akoso and faience. Don't think that is what this bead is, though. I think yours does in some way look reworked. Not just the grinding, but also the swirls.
It is a fascinating bead, anyway.

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Re: Bead ID Help needed
Re: Bead ID Help needed -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: kika Post Reply
01/15/2016, 08:46:08

Hi Rosanna,
I don't think, this bead was repaired, I would think rather that it came during the making of the bead. The both sides of the bead were exposed differently on the fire. It would be the ground of the bead which melt down a little bit differently because the heat and the temperature of the melting were different, maybe a bit less. There are two pics which are less clear than yours but we can see that the both sides are different, and watch a little the same difference as yours.

DSC06466.jpg (172.0 KB)  DSC06467.jpg (182.3 KB)  

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Re: Re: Bead ID Help needed
Re: Re: Bead ID Help needed -- kika Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: kika Post Reply
01/15/2016, 08:47:32

The other bead

DSC06463.jpg (171.4 KB)  

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Thank you Kika and Floor
Re: Bead ID Help needed -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
01/16/2016, 06:23:25

I'll bring this bead to Tucson for show & tell.

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Re: Bead ID Help needed -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: hans Post Reply
01/16/2016, 15:44:35

Hi Rosanne,
After searching I could not find any bead in my Krobo collection what resemble yours.
The outside looks like a buffed Venetian bead to me.
Is it possible the perforation of the bead is narrowed in Ghana with powder glass and maybe cracked after the reheating?
A nice time in Tucson, Hans

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