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Mystery bead (to us) Was given at a potlatch in the early 90's
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Posted by: dubhghlaswright Post Reply
08/30/2009, 15:20:39

My wife got bead from a native woman in on the west coast of Vancouver Island, in the pacific northwest. We haven't seen another like it anywhere online. Can anyone help us find out if it's rare/old/new/etc?

Sorry, the picture is blurry. The bead is cut into 5 main facets, with the corner of each facet faceted again.

Also, it is about 2 inches in length, photo updated

P1020072.JPG (166.8 KB)  

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Re: Mystery Bead
Re: Mystery bead (to us) Was given at a potlatch in the early 90's -- dubhghlaswright Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Beadman Post Reply
08/30/2009, 16:32:13

Dear Mr. Wright,

I can't say I recognize your bead with certainty.

It reminds me of beads made in the early 1980s (if I recall correctly), made for an American company by manufacturers in México, with the intention of producing a line of beads inspired by the so-called "Russian" beads that have been popular in the Northwest over the previous 100 years.

Most of their production does not realistically resemble the prototypes beads, though they were made similarly. They are drawn beads, made from canes that had been pressed to have longitudinal sides, and the beads finished with cuts on the ends of the segments at their edges —pretty much like the original beads. Their beads were made in a variety of sizes, and diameters/lengths, and a spectrum of colors. A translucent green bead would not be unexpected.

The Liese Collection at The Bead Museum includes a sample card showing the output of this company. I may have a photograph of this in my archive.

Be well. Jamey

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