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Some Tucson buys - went a little crazy on phenolic beads
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Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
02/19/2017, 22:31:42

Still on a PF (phenolic resin) kick when I got to Tucson this year. Some of the beads I just had to have -

Strand of mostly bi-cone shaped PFs, from Bully Jawara at the Gem Mall. He says these are from Mali.

Strand of small PFs, probably originally prayer strand beads, from Saibo Tunkara at Gem Mall.

RFT2PF.jpg (42.5 KB)  RFT4PF.jpg (41.9 KB)  

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From Leo Hakola's stash
Re: Some Tucson buys - went a little crazy on phenolic beads -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
02/19/2017, 22:35:18

Leo had quite a lot of PF to choose from. I had fun showing him and his assistant how to do the reamer test to separate PF from other plastics.

Necklace with large cube beads was made by Leo himself. The central cubic bead is not PF, but the other two are. Imitation amber composition can be quite difficult to identify!

Sweet little PF dice beads, with a lot of patina and character.

RFT3PF.jpg (36.2 KB)  RFT8PF.jpg (35.6 KB)  

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Other common colors of PF
Re: Some Tucson buys - went a little crazy on phenolic beads -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
02/19/2017, 22:38:08

Bright "cherry amber" beads were also from Leo's pile.

The undrilled disks and lone drilled cylinder were found at Sandy Schorr's, Holidome. They had boxes of these for $1-2 a piece.

RFT7PF.jpg (45.3 KB)  RFT6PF.jpg (49.0 KB)  

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PF beads on Indonesian bracelets & where to find a LOT of PF
Re: Some Tucson buys - went a little crazy on phenolic beads -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
02/19/2017, 22:47:22

Eric Salter at the Grand Luxe said these bracelets were made in Sulawesi, Indonesia. He had full necklaces with very similar small diameter cylinder beads with angled ends, from the same island. A nice education in how PF beads have been used in other parts of the world - thanks, Eric!

Finally, a pic of the PF beads for sale at Saibo's booth at Gem Mall. Lots of these beads from the northern & north-western areas of Africa are for sale in Tucson, but the prices are getting higher all the time.

RFT10SulawesiPF.jpg (37.1 KB)  RFT18SaiboDisplay.jpg (104.7 KB)  

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Re: PF beads on Indonesian bracelets & where to find a LOT of PF -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Timbuk-2 Post Reply
02/20/2017, 12:37:29

How much the PF-strands on the right picture sold for? Roundabout 1000 Dollar...?

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I didn't price them but estimate $500 - $1500 depending on how fancy & how long
Re: LOT of PF -- Timbuk-2 Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Post Reply
02/20/2017, 14:15:06

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$500 - $1500
Re: I didn't price them but estimate $500 - $1500 depending on how fancy & how long -- Rosanna Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Timbuk-2 Post Reply
02/22/2017, 19:35:01

Yes - that is the same range of prices I discovered in Tucson.

The cheapest I saw - rather nice ones, even, though not the ones in diamond-shape with crackled surface (I personally like that most) - were offered at 60 Cents/gr., leading to a strand-price of 750 $ in this case (cannot recall the length of the strand, nor the number of beads, though).

One Chinese amber-buyer was telling me (in Tucson) that nice resin beads are more and more in demand in China these days. Maybe due to high prices for old baltic amber?

Tomorrow I will post a few pieces of costume-jewelry from Bohemia from the 1920's - 1930's. The great majority of them were adorned with "Peking-glass" cabochons, while suddenly certain pieces (from the area, maker and time) show cabochons of some kind of resin. I hope you might be able to say a few words about this material, though it will possibly be very difficult to make any judgement from photos alone.

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