To Art (a whisper)
Re: ALLEK remarks? -- nishedha Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: nishedha Mail author
10/01/2012, 12:20:36

I think you are great, Art, and your attention is appreciated. Coming from one of your rank, even insults would ring in my ears like compliments. (The fact is that I wasn't so closely related to a famous artist since I met Salvador Dalí, back in the late 60s-- if I rightly recall).

True, after consulting the Urban Dictionary, I was put off track a little bit, thinking you were calling me a chimp, etc.
Then, after you further elaborated on the subject, I understood the lesson's value:"a conceited and self-assertive person with pretensions of smartness and cleverness" is no doubt an accurate description of one of my facets. I still do not consider myself "obnoxious", though: please, give me some time to ponder over it!

Now,going back to our original thread: what I meant when dumbly writing "What need for a dress?" was that the lady's attire was so dazzling that even if she were walking on the street with just the beads on, nobody could accuse her of being indecent -- the bounty of beautiful beads so effectively hiding her nudity!

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