What is a bead?
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Posted by: Frederick II Post Reply
05/01/2016, 15:37:37

There are many ways to define a "bead." Here are just a few definitions. Do you agree?


1. A SMALL, usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc.

2. Beads. A necklace of beads: You don't have your beads on this evening. A rosary -obsolete. devotions; prayers.

3. Any SMALL globular or cylindrical body.

4. A drop of liquid: beads of moisture.

5. A bubble rising through effervescent liquid.

6. Usually, beads. a mass of such bubbles on the surface of a liquid.

7. The front sight of a rifle or gun.


Verb (used with object):
14. To form or cause to form beads or a bead on.

15. To ornament with beads.

16. Carpentry. to form a bead on (a piece). verb (used without object)

17. To form beads; form in beads or drops: perspiration beading on his forehead.


18. Count /say /tell one's beads, to say one's prayers, using rosary beads: There were a few old women counting their beads in the hushed silence of the chapel.

19. Draw /get a bead on, to take careful aim at: The marksman drew a bead on his target.

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