A speo refers to drawn beads only
Re: Would you mind to elaborate on that please.... -- karavanserai Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Mail author
02/14/2014, 09:48:59

Matt's beads was made as an individual bead, then decorated with white trailing. It is a lamp-worked bead rather than a bead cut off a drawn cane.

A speo refers to a heat-treated drawn bead, which when cut off the cane would have squared-off ends. Placing the bead back into a flame or furnace either on a spit (a speo) or loose, was a technique to round off the cut edges. Presumably this was easier and faster than hand-faceting the edges.

So, neither the number of layers nor type of layers (star-pattern or smooth), nor outside stripes, has anything to do with whether the bead was heated after it was cut off the cane.

If I'm not badly mistaken this is how the term "a speo" is used.

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