Looking for Value of Chinese Melon Beads
Re: Looking for Value of Chinese Melon Beads -- lisamichele Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Frederick Post Reply
09/01/2013, 12:42:53

Hi Lisamichele,

If your beads are 150 years old, Ching Dynasty (1644 to 1912), they would probably be Peking Glass beads. But they are unusual in size and color. It is possible that they are Sung Dynasty (960 - 1279) which would affect their value considerably. And I would have to examine them in person to form an opinion.

Trying to establish what something is worth is problematic...especially with so called "Peking Glass".* After forty years as a specialist in antique Chinese and Japanese beads, I find that Peking glass beads do not seem to have much of a following these days...with the exception of the early 20th c. Chinese millefiori ones.

Because the prices are currently very low, I feel Peking glass beads may prove to be a good investment. And maybe not. I do like the small size of yours, although the large holes are likely to create a crooked look on a skinny string -unless you fill the holes with a thick cord or tiny beads.

*Peking glass was actually made in Boshan but it is called "Peking" because it was largely marketed in Peking.

Moreover, I FIND VALUE in putting antique beads into the hands of someone who will respect them properly, act as conservator and then pass them on to someone who will properly care for them. And I realize that this is idealistic and nearly never happens.

In addition, currently, the biggest spenders for historical Chinese beads are the Chinese collectors in China who are reclaiming their heritage. For example: many Warring States beads & Mandarin Court Necklaces are bringing nearly ten times the money they brought only ten years ago: all due to the demand by the rising middle class collectors in China.

Although you have 111 nearly identical beads, 108 would be used for the primary part of a Mandarin Court Necklace -"MCN." But your beads are too small to be from a MCN. And melon shapes were not used in MCNs.

The Ornament Magazine beads you cited are similar in color to yours. But they are twice the size and not melon shaped. However, you may want to ask Dr. Robert Liu, co-editor and author of the Chinese glass bead cover article, for his opinion. And then we would especially love to hear from you again.

Good luck with finding value in your Chinese melons; I feel the process is worthwhile.


Modified by Frederick at Tue, Sep 03, 2013, 01:52:49

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