Re: To bead or not to bead
Re: To bead or not to bead -- Frederick Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: PuppyLoveJewelry Mail author
08/05/2012, 20:46:14

I am JUST beginning, as in just became fully interested 2 months ago. Before that I had my hands full learning about all the rocks and crystals nature gives. I am hoping it WILL BE a good investment for me. Basically, I make a modest living but spare no expense with materials for my business (real business people would laugh at my "margins"as they call them....I like to use the best of everything I can find). I needed a hobby that I could also have as a tax write off. Falling in love with antique beads works for that perfectly. I am adding these treasures to the necklaces and wire wrapped crystals I make. But I get to hold them, play with them, learn about them and maybe wear a few of them for myself :) They are certainly things of incredible beauty, powerful history, and they just carry an energy of largeness- hard for me to put into words. Old things, beads- books- fabrics, they feel different to me- very peaceful and large. Wish me luck that I don't go broke learning ;)

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