Pinterest: you could spend you life there
Re: Pinterest -- Paula Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Joyce Mail author
06/23/2012, 10:55:56

Hi Paula,

Would you believe I didn't even know about Pinterest until Russ sent me a link a month or 2 ago?

Yes, there are a lot of bcn images being viewed, pinned, re-pinned. It's very interesting! And while bloggers and pinners don't always mention where it came from, you can always click an image, and keep clicking, and eventually you get taken to where the image started. So I'm not really bothered by it, I find it pretty interesting, and it is obviously fostering continued interest in what we call "good beads"!

As has been discussed recently, the only time I object is the use of someone else's images for profit / sales. That's where the line is drawn.

I am still mystified by the literally 3000 visits to Uwe's thread though. Perhaps a couple of netheads with a L O T of time on their hands have time to just click hundreds of times over per sitting just to make me scratch my head and wonder....

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