Mr. Owen D. Mort, Jr.'s handmade books at The Bead Museum
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Posted by: Joyce Mail author
02/08/2011, 13:15:54

February 2, 2011 was the coldest day in recorded history in the Phoenix area, I am told. That didn't stop us from visiting The Bead Museum in Glendale, AZ that day. It was my only chance to see it and I shall always be grateful to Thomas for taking me there!

I am showing Mr. Dave Mort's books in their own thread. I have heard about these books from various people over the years and could have spent hours (days!) with these books alone. I had the pleasure of meeting Dave once four years ago.

I wish I could provide more information about these books at this time. Dave Mort spent twelve years in Africa. During this time, he documented much about the African people and their artifacts.

These large (approx. 12" x 18") books were written by hand, with drawings and photos from current times as well a reference photos. I do not know whether Dave made more than one copy of these two different volumes.

They are a very important part of The Bead Museum reference library, and are indeed artifacts themselves, and a document of one man's love for Africa.

The first book I will show is entitled "Central African Biloko Kitoko" by
Owen D. Mort, Jr.

bmdmort2.jpg (104.7 KB)  bmdmortbook1.jpg (119.3 KB)  

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