Thanks, Jamey
Re: Re: White clay residue in Japanese glass beads? -- Beadman Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: beadiste Post Reply
10/21/2024, 20:41:56

I did a quick trawl of Etsy to see what Cherry Brand beads were on offer, and the ones with those distinctive millefiori chips seem to have clay-lined interiors. Or are they blue cased over white? I bought some, we'll see when they get here, I guess.

The pound of supposed Japanese Haskell-warehouse wound beadsI purchased have mostly clean holes, nonethless with traces of white dust. Which would make sense, I guess, considering the influence of Bohemian glass techniques in Japanese bead manufacture?

Frank Hess of Haskell is of course is on record for contracting with Niki for glass pearls in the 1950s, so it doesn't seem outside the realm of reason to suspect they were purchasing Japanese beads pre-WWII as well as in the 1970s.

Still trying to figure out why what seem obviously to be Boshan beads appear in those necklaces...

Andreas_60s_millefiore_beads.jpg (124.3 KB)  Etsy_Beads_Haskell_Old_Stock_MLRobertsLtd.jpg (146.9 KB)  

Modified by beadiste at Mon, Oct 21, 2024, 20:43:05

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