Re: Re: quoting
Re: Re: Millefiori -- Beadman Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: nishedha Post Reply
08/28/2024, 01:35:34

I am so very dumb! As I was writing my message, I kept talking to myself, saying:"I think this is not the correct spelling". Alas, it is in my Karma that I should go ahead with my mistakes.

This made me remember a funny anecdote from the 80s,my Poona times. We (several thousand?) were attending a face to face with Rajneesh aka Osho. Jesus teachings had recently been the subject of his talks and being questions&Answers day, one of us told him that after checking with his (the disciple's) Gospels edition, his (Rashneesh's) words were not accurately matching it.
He said:"Do correct your Gospels".
Nihil obstat: millefiore will from now on be MILLEFIORI, here, in Poona and in Roma.
Incidently, have you noticed that one of my millefiori cylinders (a larger one to the right) looks a lot like yours, including its patina? Please comment.

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