Oh yes, would love to own one of these... | |||||
Re: Re: What is this bead material? -- David | Post Reply | Edit | Forum | Where am I? |
And I think atomic absorption spectroscopy would be best to identify the elements in an n inorganic material like concrete.
I'll take one of each!
I am taking a slightly different tack and sent an inquiry to a German cement company that was active since the late 1800s, to ask if they shipped to West Africa. Also if they would do the analysis on a bead and compare to their historical data base. Probably thought I was a loony-tune. So far, no reply.
It seems most if not all my emails to Germany, Belgium, France go into a spam or trash folder or are blocked for some reason. I've asked some German and Belgian colleagues to send the exact same message to the same people in the past, and they get an answer almost immediately. So if I don't hear back I'll probably try the same trick.