"Ancient Roman Glass"
Re: TUCSON ACQUISITIONS - Chinese Agate Eye Beads -- Beadman Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Beadman Mail author
02/14/2008, 17:40:26

Every so often, someone posts a question about the recycled bangle-beads, that are routinely sold as "ancient Roman," that have been made in Pakistan over the past (about) ten years. This past year, a new wrinkle (I suspect from the same makers), is many, many strands of "ancient Roman glass" pieces, pierced and strung into necklaces. The story is similar: "old broken Roman bottles [not bracelets, in this instance], reworked into beads and pendants."

I first saw these last year at the BABE Show in Oakland, where the going price was about $25 per strand. (Quite a good price, considering the work involved and the supposed age of the material.)

Of course, I am more inclined to believe the glass is not nearly so old..., and I suspect it may be so recent as to require artificial aging to make it appear decayed and/or iridescent.

At the Manning House show, I was told a seller had these strands for $250. (!). That's ten times the going price.... I was fortunate to talk to Steve Dunning, at the Quality Inn, who had them for the standard $25. Nevertheless, when asked, I told Steve I did not believe the story connected with these necklaces—as mentioned here. Steve said he would now call them "old glass"—which is good enough for me.


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