Re: "Scroddled" and "Agateware"
Re: Scroddled is in body; if "agateware" = slip, it is on surface, not scroddled -- Snap Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Stefany Mail author
04/01/2007, 01:53:08

This is very interesting! Thanks Snap!

So, "Scroddled" is a term borrowed from pottery and applies to the stuff the item is made from. If we borrow the term then it could apply to these beads because the pattern is made of different coloured glasses that go all the way through not just on the surface.
My bead components are most likely created with liquid clays (=slip) in shallow moulds that have been stirred a bit, but as I understand in pottery slip is still clay, the glaze which is often shiny and clear goes over the surface afterwards in a separate firing, and works similarly to varnish as it gives a coating that protects the pottery that would otherwise be porous. My beads have a clear shiny surface beneath which the swirled random pattern can be seen.

Another pottery term for coloured clay patterning added to a pot surface before any glazing seems to be "Inlay". I had a potter friend who tried versions of millefiore designs in coloured compatible clays (using ceramic body stains) and added slices to the surface of her pots. They were glazed afterwards.

Howard Newcomb in the '80s made beautiful chevron-type beads from different coloured porcelains, some can be seen on p. 47 in my "Bead Jewellery Book".
I'm sorry if not everyone has these books. All I can say is they are in some libraries and we have plans to reprint if you cant find copies at Amazon.

Phew! I'm off to help wth grandchildren today- (no. 3 arrived finally last week)


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