Bad Santa: "why evoluting Sarah´s daughter...?"
Re: we go, Sarah... -- wantke uwe Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Vara Nares Mail author
12/17/2006, 16:38:37


Why do you think, Sarah´s daughter is closed minded 'UV'...? Sorry, just kidding - a little Christmas joke on the careful use of language.

I was just trying to imagine how extremely open minded Germany must
be - being Europe´s number one in travelling. Guess you were Christmass-kidding too on that one. Travelling educates vs. travelling does nothing but confirming peoples prejudices.

Maybe "cash", I thought, money, or "fluss", like Berbers have it - could be our platform of agreement, but, sorry, you´re wrong here too. The coins you were refering to, as being made of silver, do, instead, not contain a single element of the moon´s prefered metal. Such coins, do not give the slightest hint on the age of a piece, something what does not need further elaboration, I assume! That´s "Catch 33" of Moroccan elementary school of forgery!

Neither - stop joking, Uwe - have this big 'enemeled Moroccan eggs' been made engaging the technic of molding. What a thought!

By the way: why everybody seems to know nothing but the southern part of Morocco, when the talk comes to jewelry. As if the other parts, specificly the north - thinking about Fes, as one example - were a jewelry-free zone! Antique gold-jewelry from Fes, often with precious stones and fine fresh-water pearls, is truely of the noble kind. Uncomparable to southern style (seen as a hole), but definitely worth mentioning, though, without question, it´s out of this league.


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