let me clear this up
Re: amber -- Nura Cadd Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: TASART Mail author
07/03/2006, 08:47:54

Regarding these beads I can only offer my emotions, I can't offer ANY academics! Regarding your academics, I have no reason to comment as I am not into the scholarly study of Amber in any form whatsoever at this time. I know nothing of the Fulani or Moroccan use of Amber and I would have nothing to add in that respect. Since this is the Bead "Collector" Forum, I, as a collector feel it is my prerogative to show my like or dislike of a bead or strand. I can understand the SBR would frown on such behavior but here it is encouraged. Yes it's nice to learn as much as we can about all the wonderful beads exhibited here and I applaud you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with the rest of us but collecting is not a cut and dry science, Heck if beads weren't so beautiful most here would never have started collecting in the first place. I feel I shouldn't have to explain my emotions or lack thereof to anyone but I like you and I don't want you misinterpreting my position here on the forum. I stand by what I posted about these beads and have nothing to add.

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