Re: "Fried Egg" Pattern
Re: Re: "Fried Egg" Pattern -- Beadman Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: njstark Mail author
06/20/2006, 05:38:14

Thanks Jamey,

I realized later in the day that Fried Eggs weren't millifiores. Also, I am really only interested in names for millifiories. I will try to be more careful and specific in the future.

Thanks for the careful description of the Peace pattern, now I get it. Guess I was asleep during the sixties.

It wouldn't bother me if a single millifiore pattern were listed under several names, it could be helpful, actually. This often happens with plants because the common name changes with the geographical region and most people do not use the Latin names.

The fact that the marketeers were the ones who invented names for millifiore patterns is fascinating, and let's not besmirch a perfectly respectable occupation! Marketeers are in touch with what is wanted, because what is wanted is what sells. Their instincts about the populace are insightful and useful and if they are good at it, they laugh all the way to the bank.

OK, finally, somewhere in this thread, someone suggested I check out eBay, trade beads, popular keywords. Thanks.

And I continue to hope that others will post images and common names of millifiore patterns. Thanks. Nancy :)

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