Would you congratulate this photographer...
Re: If this is your portrait, I want to congratulate the photographer. -- nishedha Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: JustMe Post Reply
08/19/2016, 17:00:44

...I think he did a great job. I can honestly say I had never felt as good about the way I look as I did after seeing this photo. I grew up with acne, thankfully that cleared up when I was out of school...though it had left it's scars. And, I have large pores which I don't think anyone finds desirable. Though that is indeed the contest I had entered and won when this photo was taken...Most Desirable Man. Granted, there was a small number of contestants and had any number more of what appeared to be hundreds of beautiful men always walking around Ft. Lauderdale decided to enter that day, I'm certain I would not have been the man on the cover.

And, like Joe, I have danced(stripped) in a bar and clubs. And, yes, he would have been more popular than me with the crowd, of this I am certain. I even auditioned for a part in the John Waters' movie "Cry-baby." I was working in the sister hotel of where the auditions were held and had been informed of the audition by another night auditor. It was more of a dance audition and I was selected after performing. Though we all had to go back to the production office where I was told afterwards that I looked too old for the part and probably would even if I had shaved my moustache. So, there went my big shot at being on the big screen. Yes, I give up just that easily...or, you could say that I know my own strengths and weaknesses.

I've often wished I looked like other people that I see or have desired some of their attributes I find appealing. JFK Jr. was one of those people...I thought he had it all...looks, hair, money, sex appeal...if I had been him where now would I be...so, I have learned to be content with who I am...Just Me.

So, Fred, now you know some of who I am. I don't really understand why you are so bothered by me and it does appear that you are. Or why you demanded that I "please stop" in a private e-mail. You signed off your messages "Just Fred." I was not signing off my messages. I chose JustMe as a screenname, your screenname is Frederick II. I personally don't think you really care about who I am. I think I could probably say the same of Nishedha. No, I don't design anything as well as either of you. I'm okay with that, I like my simple designs. Do I strive to make something as wonderful...yes, of course I would like that, though I may never...and that's okay as well.

It's evident that no one feels they can participate when I have created a thread and asked for participation. And, yes, Rosanna, I realize that no one is required to participate. But, the willingness or unwillingness in this case is what is in question, at least for me.

Why is Fred the only one allowed to do such things or expected to do such things which you gladly participate in...ironically, Fred doesn't always give examples of what he asks. I think I usually do, but that's JustMe.

So, now I do anticipate my removal from this forum...once again. I have the same passions as most everyone here. I truly love beads. Like everyone else here, I speak my mind. Though, I have learned not everyone may do that freely. I've been called names by some here that many admire. I do not call people names. I have pointed out hypocrisy.

I'm just saying...we are all the same...and unique.

Now, did you really want to know me.

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