Re: Hematite, shell...
Re: Hematite, shell... -- beadiste Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: nicUK Mail author
03/22/2015, 14:41:38

Hello beadiste

The Green bangles are very heavy one is 65g and one is 61g
they are cold , they are a bit small my mum can't fit her hand through them.You can't even make a cut with a sharp knife and if you try to poke a hot pin in them you can't . They sound like glass when they knoc together they sound like music a bit like wind chimes I think there is one or 2 bubbles in one of them I think .
y beads they are black ones I think the white cover was a bad place to take a photo they are not grey . They are not freezing cold but they are cold and heavy the weight is 65g my brother max said if you have some beads that cost you a lot of money you could tie a not in the string so you don't lose all the beads if they broke, but I think they might have a mum who says they will ALL be sucked up with the hoov er if they left are on the floor and I bet thats why people tie a not in the string because they have a mum like mine . My yellow beads smell nice but a bit funny if you put a lighted match near them , but my green beads are plastic and they catch fire then your mum really goes mad I'm not allowed to do that

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