All newly made
Re: Website - Beads from Nepal -- Richard7 Post Reply Edit Forum Where am I?
Posted by: Rosanna Mail author
10/19/2014, 19:13:11

All the beads on this page are newly made.

I don't think there is an agreed upon definition of ancient, but I consider ancient to be at least 800 - 1000 years old.

From about 100 to about 800 years old, I would call them antique.

Between 50-100 years old, I would call them vintage.

Anything newer than 50 years I consider to be "new". However, that may be because I am over 60! I have seen people refer to 20 year old items as "vintage". The round beads labeled as vintage naga conch shells beads were for sale as new beads at bead shows about 15 years ago. So, I cannot agree they are vintage - I would still say "newly made".

Please note that this is my opinion and others may have different opinions!

The difficulty we face is that anyone may call anything "ancient", "antique", "vintage" etc. and there is nothing anyone can do about it. It really is frustrating at times, but you will have to follow the same path as the rest of us, which is to study, read, ask questions, and train your eye. There are seldom any short cuts.

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