
Original Message:   Pendants and beads, 50s-90s
Thanks, Frederick.

Judging from the intact knotting and stringing on the pendants I've dug up so far, the large flat beads do seem to be 60s-90s era designs to be worn as jewelry - Long pendants with 70s long skirts, 80s elaborate necklaces for power dressing.

Hong Kong was most likely the initial outlet, due to the political situation on the mainland and the Viet Nam war drawing people into the southeast Asia area? Then Deng Xiao Ping's 1978 trade opening and the necklace export flood began?

The pics attached are of a small vase, about which the seller said: "This was from the collection of a jeweler from the 40's who had them custom made for her line in China." When I queried her further, she replied: "The designer wasn't famous. It was my friend's Mom.She was an amazing antiques dealer in the LA/Ca area.I don't know her full name, just that she commissioned them to be made. Others did the same during those years, so there are rare pieces out there that may reflect the same, amazing workmanship." So maybe 50s-60s-70s?

And some comparatively small 10mm beads with pink flower and butterfly motifs similar to the vase, found on eBay. 14K gold-filled fishhook clasp, non-Chinese stringing. The beads look like later productions, not quite as carefully done. But for small beads, they pack a lot of design into each bead.

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