
Original Message:   An expensive but very rewarding hobby indeed
I don't quite know how it happened, but it seems as though beads have taken over my life, including my time, my house and my holidays. And I love it!

I have made money from beads a few years ago, but not with collectible beads. I would import beads from for example China and India and make them into sets that people could subscribe to for a monthly 'bead fix'. It would always include instructions on how to make jewelry with them. It was something I did besides a 'day job' but it was pretty succesful. I quit doing this when I started my new job that would take more of my time. No regrets, it was fun while it lasted. And, it paid for a whole lot of bead knowledge and my first trip to Tucson.

There are a few beads that I bought at a price that was probably too high. And in the last few years there have been quite a few bargains that I managed to get my hands on. I guess that my collection by now will be pretty valuable, but it's the value to me personally that is the great treat. Every bead brings back memories of trips or of people, or is part of a greater history.

At times, I am pleased that I do not have to look at beads commercially. It is all about what I like, what I can learn from, or beads I can make something out of. I'm not saying I'll never sell beads again, but it is not why I collect.

Currently I am educating myself in beadwork, both the history and the techniques. t is a completely new field for me. I am using for example old glass reflectors and beautiful cabochons from my Jablonec trip to bezel with beads as part of my own beadworking experiments.

To me, that is collecting at it's best: going travelling, finding cool stuff, learning new things and making something interesting. And sharing what you find and learn on this great forum!

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