
Original Message:   Re: Furthermore, if a name can be traced back to the orignator, beyond the shadow of a doubt...
Some years back we held a benefit auction. A certain Sue Doe contributed an auction bead...basically a little [not so little yellow lampwork cylinder] Venetian for [from] the African trade, decorated to look sort of like a monkey face. [Not really! The name came from some totally different inspiration.] Sue named this bead "Head Monkey". The bead did wildly well for the cause; a generous forumite helped drive the price to a bit over 100.00, well above it's value of perhaps 10.00. [In other words, the bead, as "obscure" as it wasn't worth too much, just maybe $10, for lack of a name, but given a name and a cause, it got bid way up. What's it worth today?] Anyway, this bead was delivered to it's buyer with a written COA. So now. Here we have real provenance and proven origin of the name of a specific bead! Copyright issues? Hmmmm! [After awhile, JP came up with a few that were quite close, but the moral of the story is, "obscure beads don't get names".]

"When the head monkey in Paris puts on a new hat, all the other monkeys do the same." Thoreau, "Walden"

What ever happened to that nice girl?

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