
Original Message:   Man in the Moon Bead
I borrowed a few images from the BEADS volume 12&13 issue for comparing the Man in the Moon bead I am trying to find out more about.(see below for journal info). It seems the man in the Moon Beads are rare as is complete information about them. I am showing one here that was found about 25 years ago, with a handful of ancient beads, in southern Turkey along the coastline by an abandoned castle partly in ruin. The similarity of the Moon faces are striking, the bead I show is a blackish base with yellowish faces, (the Museum beads from the article are the blue beads), a noticable difference in the bead I show is that it appears the maker was showing the phases of a lunar cycle, at least in part, I interpret the designs as a waning moon, a full moon, a waxing moon and a new moon. The stars are also very similar with both 5 and 6 pointed stars. I am curious if there are any other references about the Man in the Moon Beads? Thanks in advance, Thomas

BEADS 12 & 13 (2000-2001) Cover Story: Annamese Orders: Precious Metals, Tassels, and Beads by J. Sylvester Beads and Sealstones from Mycenaea by N. Wilkie Sources of Prehistoric Turquoise in N. America by F. J. Mathien Man-in-the-Moon Beads by M. Lorenzini and K. Karklins Stone Beads of South India by P. Francis Krobo and Bodom by K. Stansfield Reviews of: Deo, Drewal and Mason, Elliott 80 pp. + 6 color plates $15.00

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