Original Message: Re: How Faking is accomplished—and Its Ramifications |
Quickly jotted: Hmmmm...... so much to learn..... Thanks for all the info you impart Jamey. I don't know if you remember the first time we met in person, you were teaching an amber identification course at the Natural History Museum in Denver. I brought an agate that I had left in ammonium bifloride (Dip n Etch) over night, to see your response! You called it.... I actually enjoy making fake antiques, for my own edification, never to misrepresent. Some of my thoughts on the subject: I know that mineralization can be intentionally added to fake antiques, but I suppose that there must be some tests to reveal the type of mineral on a bead. Furthermore, I would also suppose that the minerals attached to glass over centuries, verses a day or so plus would differ somehow? All rights reserved by Bead Collector Network and its users |