
Original Message:   Copies of Trade Beads
I have shown some of the trade bead reproductions made near Jombang, according to the makers from whom I bought them. At Ferry's store, I was happy to find additional specimens of this work—even though I don't know who the actual makers would have been. However, I am reasonably confident these are also Jombang beadmakers, and represent their past work (that we should not necessarily expect to still be available some years later, directly from them, but only from sellers with big inventories).

The 1st photo here presents a hank of about ten or twelve strands of small blue chevron beads. They are not dissimilar to beads we looked at earlier, and clearly copy Venetian beads of the 20th C.

The 2nd photo presents more unconventional chevron beads, in that the external colors are green and three tones of opaque red. I found these "hidden away" on a back wall, where I suspect few people go to search for beads to buy. I feel lucky to have them.


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