
Original Message:   Back to Bali
The following day, the four of us flew back to Bali, and took up residence in the same charming hotel where I had stayed before Java. I had two additional days, and Fred only one. So, on the first day we all went to visit Ferry (who was still away), and this time I selected a grand variety of beads (to make up for not getting to Jember). Some of the things I found were quite surprising.

These photos include some of the beads I bought or photographed early in the trip.

Here. we see one of the walls of his store, displaying a group of beadwork pieces—a large panel and several decorated hats. This work is typical of Borneo. Next, this is a display of netted or fiber necklaces embellished with seashells (such as nassa shells). This stuff could be from almost anywhere in Island SE Asia, but may be from New Guinea, or around there.


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