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Hi Stefany!

Thank you for your reply.

I only have the photo I have shown, and no information about sizes. I would assume the base glasses are more-or-less opaque. And I cannot say whether the bases are multi-layered, but I'm inclined to doubt it.

I am inclined to veto Java and China as likelihoods. I don't know how old these beads may be; but I suppose that if they were new or recent (from Java or China), we would have seen their like already. The wreath pattern is not typical of older Chinese beads, even though it would be easy to copy.

My name for the pattern is "wreath"--as one can see in the book I did with Billy Steinberg, Wild Beads of Africa. Wreathes are indeed twisted ("candy cane") canes that are applied as circles. It is a well-known Venetian motif.

The reason that Borneo beads 'look like Venetian beads' is because the Borneo beads ARE Venetian. They are not copies of Venetian beads. (See my paper on Heirloom Beads in the 2010 Borneo Bead Conference papers.)

And, yes, the beads are clearly production work.

Cheers, Jamey

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