Original Message: Re: Faience and Nila |
If you look very carefully you will see several Nila beads mixed in: (second row from top if you see it as 4 rows ) or-bottom most loop from clasp-5th bead, 10th bead, etc. As you know Nila beads often have distinctive lines and a certain look, etc. Enlarge it and please look again. (in your free time, lol) "Early Trade bead Necklace, Oklahoma" I thought they were inferring these were DUG BEADS from Oklahoma or "Found" in Oklahoma and why Oklahoma was inserted in the listing... As you know too many times African made Krobo granular glass beads or something totally NOT in context are in some Riker Box display labeled as Dug Trade Beads Native American. Thus the post. Also as one example [in error] of Nila=Roman glass beads I give you one Rita Okrent, (RIP), who absolutely describes (or maybe someone handling her Estate) her Nila Mali excavated beads as"Rare Bright Blue Roman Glass Excavated Ancient Nila Beads, Djenne, Mali". https://ritaokrent.com/products/rare-bright-blue-ancient-excavated-nila-beads-djenne-mali-at0617 Peter Francis in "Asia's Maritime Bead Trade 300 BC to Present" has a nice discussion on Nila and suggests either made in the Middle-East or heat altered Indo-Pacific: Pg. 228: #26 CLICK ON TO ENLARGE (IMGUR) Page on Google Books: https://books.google.com/books?id=zzZBdGQN_TIC&pg=PA228&lpg=PA228&dq=where+are+nila+mali+beads+from&source=bl&ots=e--qSAmdiS&sig=ACfU3U2-AaGhT2QVGGzkbJwj1vhvl5nbQA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiE3u71z5LkAhXtqlkKHVBsCto4ChDoATAKegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=where%20are%20nila%20mali%20beads%20from&f=false GTK the Nila is Islamic and not Roman. I have actually tried to look that up with no luck as Roman Beads=Nila is a widely disseminated misunderstanding. Thanks. All rights reserved by Bead Collector Network and its users |