
Original Message:   Re: Finfan
My real name is George, I'm 55 and I have lived in Tucson for the last 25 years. I got started on beads just by wandering the frontage road during the gem show. One year I noticed some beads in the African Art Village (before it moved to its present location), I think they were from India and bought a couple strands. The next year I bought a few more and eventually I ended up here where I started relly learning about beads. While I would love to collect Kiffa and other high end items it just isn't in my budget. I usually buy a couple nicer items then go out and about looking for "future collectibles". BTW I recently obtained a group of plastic and shell strands that are supposed to be from post-war Japan and the South Pacific. My mother scored tham at a rummage sale. Anyway I do the vast majority of my collecting during 2 weeks in February post here for a bit preceding and following that time and then fade into the woodwork until the next gem show.

My handle comes from my former project car which was a 58 Plymouth. That got too expensive so I sold it off. I also quit my job at the local branch of the war machine (Raytheon) in 2007 which has cut into my hobbies budget a bit. However I am now much happier with my existance so it was worth it. I am including a picture of me with my most recent hobby which I can assure you is much less expensive than restoring an old car.

For those of you coming to Tucson this year you can expect the traffic to be about the same as last year although they have been expanding the overpasses and I'm not sure how that will affect travel. They usually suspend construction for the Gem show so it shouldn't be too bad. The good news is that they are currently ahead of schedule and (cross your fingers) they may actually be done by 2010!

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