
And what would Dale Chihuly have become without Harvey Littleton? In what medium might he have decided to design? I'm not very outspoken here as I'm here to learn and share a few pictures when I can. I do admire the designs of Chihuly and he has certainly done much to advance the modern studio glass movement. Jamey asked and he provided fair warning that he was posting Chihuly pics--I skipped over them but was interested to see if Art shared my opinion. Chihuly's work is, IMHO, bright, eye catching and BIG but has no soul. A number of years ago I caught a traveling show featuring Chihuly, Morris, Statom and one or two others. Morris's Artifact Wall was one of the most evocative and soulful installations I've ever experienced. I was in the exhibit nearly by myself and and I literally laid down on a couch before the wall and felt the energy of design and execution that went into every artifact-I would have been honored and happy to die there on that couch. Many of those artifacts can be worn as pendants and I'll try to remember to post a picture of a necklace inspired by one. My point here is that people need to know that Chihuly is a designer who directs the creation of his designs. I feel the soul of the artisans who's skill and muscle create the finished piece but IMHO, Chihuly strives for his persona to overshadow the importance of the artisans who create his designs. I just don't have much respect for that. Juel
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