
Original Message:   Re: People trying to make a quick buck, selling beads
Thanks for expressing so succinctly what I thought but never could have said so well. My rather small collection of beads that I cannot live without have been chosen for various reasons- some for beauty, some for age, and some for the cultural context. There really are too many factors to list as far as why I am drawn to a certain bead or strand of beads. Sometimes for value, and like others in here I have bought a whole strand just to get one particular bead. I enjoy being able to wear a strand of say small 7 layer chevrons, and though they may be valuable, they are not ostentatious like a gold chain might be. The only one tearing them off my neck might be another rabid bead lover. An old well traveled bead with a good patina, worn holes from being strung around someones neck, etc. opens my imagination and I think of the context of this bead as far as history, how it was made, and the person that wore and cherished it. Really, monetary value is only a factor in my love for a bead.

It's sad to realize that anyone could be phishing around various forums and excluding certain input from anyone that could bring an opinion that evidently does not say what he wants to hear. Everyone in here was nothing but nice. I think it's fine to raise suspicion and call someone out when it's warranted. I felt stupid for being so supportive, and then as this evolved I got really miffed by the apparent manipulation. I shouldn't be surprised, but I was.

Even the bead world has a creepy underbelly, and there are plenty of beads out there made to look old, plenty of copies- some really good- to fool the less experienced, and plenty of Sellers that deliberately mislabel and way overprice beads and strands. I don't have a problem with someone using new Chinese chevrons in a necklace design to save money, so long as they are labeled as such.

Thanks for the extra diligence and information. I will stop cussing now! Well I'll try.. Anne

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