
Original Message:   Roman Mosaics at Villa del Casale
From Agrigento, we drove east along the coast, and then north to the center of Sicily, to visit an ancient Roman Period fort complex (or "castle") near Armerina, that is nearly 2,000 years old. It is also famous for its amazing mosaics. (See the link below.)

The buildings have been equipped with modern roofs, probably in an effort to protect the mosaics from erosion. But the new roofs look sort of funny. They have also constructed raised walkways, so you can look down but never touch anything.

Everywhere, the mosaics are being slowly repaired, and that day several technicians were pursuing their slow and painstaking skillful work. So, in the following shots, where you see a pale frame, this is a partitioned area where they are fixing a damaged part of the mosaic. I tried to avoid these shots, but some of the mosaics are so amazing, I HAD to shoot them.

It is clear that the Romans built this place as a sort of destination to get away from it all and go hunting, and take baths. You cannot imagine all the hunting scenes rendered in the floors of various sunken bath rooms and gymnasia (exercise floors and game rooms).

So the following are some of the mosaic images I liked the best.


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