
Original Message:   Cleaning Brass - Easily!
Hi Paula,

That's an interesting question.

I used to use Brasso and steel wool to clean old brass (or copper). It sounds like it might be "too much"—but actually I was reasonably careful not to clean "too much." However, it was A LOT of work.

On TV, a couple of months ago, I saw a treatment that is EASY and works WONDERFULLY WELL. Now, I would not do anything else. And it's safe too.

Take a small plate or shallow bowl (like for a coffee cup), and pour some table salt onto it. Maybe two or three tablespoon's worth. Cut a lemon in half (or save a half lemon from dinner preparations, if it still has some juice in it). Dip the lemon into the salt, and begin to rub the salt and juice onto the brass piece. Use the lemon as the applicator, and occasionally dip more salt onto it.

You will be AMAZED at how fast the brass becomes clean and sparkly, but not "stripped." It even dissolves years of ugly black grime really fast. Stop when it's as clean as you want it to be. Rinse and dry the object. I am going to clean a very nice African piece I got during the Tucson show, later today.

(This also works very well for pots and pans, and any copper/brass item. I've now done all the nasty pans in my kitchen.)

Have fun! Jamey

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