
Original Message:   Cost
Hi VV,

The general scuttlebutt suggests that in Mauritania morfia (and similar beads) can be had for the asking price of about $1000. I don't know of anyone paying $1000—but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. (If this is an "old price" it's the last one I heard, and the folks who are discussing the topic here are not saying prices. What's said is 'you won't believe the prices.' Not very helpful.)

The strands that were sold, if you count the beads and divide by the sales figure, cost a lot, but much less than $1000 per bead. I'm not at liberty to say what anyone paid.

For my bead, if I recall correctly, I got it for partial trade (I don't remember for what) and partial cash payment—equaling $300.

I HATE discussing the prices of things, because inevitably someone is going to vocally disagree, and say I am way too low..., or way too high. You cannot win. So, before anyone says anything—I am a poor man of Scottish descent, always looking for a bargain—and who firmly believes that the prices of beads are artificially manipulated to escalate, so that the high-end dealers can make a big profit. Added to that, markets vary tremendously, depending on what part of the world you are in, and upon the quality of the bead in question. It is very easy to presume that the top-dollar amount collected for any particular bead equals the routine current price. (And thus bead prices escalate.) When in fact, that bead cost so much because of some rarity or characteristic that—in the eyes of the seller AND buyer—made it necessary to be the highest price ever paid. Unfortunately, what happens is that EVERYONE then wants his (or her) beads to sell at that level too, regardless of whether it's a rare specimen, in good shape, or of unusual characteristics.

You are welcome to disagree with with me, but don't expect me to argue about it.

In haste, Jamey

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