
Original Message:   enemal animals
Hello Anne, no, of course not! The little amber beads, Uwe W. has shown in that post, isnīt plastic. Itīs real amber, a fossil resin (Succinit), from the Baltic sea. I meant to say - possibly I havenīt been clear enough - that Uweīs amber beads are of "Malian origin" (so to speak). In other words: the vast majority of Succinit as raw-material has been exported during the past centuries from the Baltic sea to West-Africa, notably Mali, and has been worked into beads there, not in Morocco! Moroccan dealers, even nowadays, import most of their amber - much of it NOT! for use in jewelry - from Mali.

The essence of what I was trying to say, was that West-Africa and/with Mali was the main place of Succinit imports, not Morocco. In that sense it is more true to call this "Malian amber", not amber from Morocco. Another little clarification, if you want!

Jealousy towards a succesful Ebay dealer? Of course you expect me do deny such allegations, donīt you, Anne? Jealousy, those who know me better would immedeately confirm, is not a term I am thinking in. I do not really see your point, Anne. How do you come to such a conclusion? Am I, maybe, an unsuccesful Ebay seller? Or, maybe, am I no Ebay seller at all? Though you are wrong with your assumption, you are not totally off-track, I easily admit. Itīs true that I very much dislike when "an X is sold for an U", as a German saying goes for those, who misrepresent things, collectibles or not. There is so much "wishi-washi-bla-bla" in this world, that itīs truely hard to take, without raising itīs voice (what we got here, is, of course, just an innocent example, based on a lack of knowledge, rather than a misrepresentation on purpose). To get big applause for such superficial statements, true, is what angers me. If you, Anne, believe that jealousy is another word for anger ("relative anger", actually more a slight frustration)you were not so far off-track.

Joyce: regarding "Jewish vs. Berber(-work)". I think it is widely known that enemal on silver (actually also gold!)in Moroccan jewelry is exclusively a Jewish technic. The Berbers just took over, learned from the Jews, being active mainly, not only, in Southern Morocco, around the city of Tiznit. Though they have a big output meanwhile, itīs basically just one Berber family - some 50 km outside of Tiznit, in a most wonderful setting of the Anti Atlas mountains - doing all this work. They were the only ones being trained by the last Jewish craftsmen, before they left the country, right after the "6-day-war" in/on Sinai, in the late 60īs of last century (30 years ago), when they felt they were no longer save in Morocco (same thing occured in Algeria and the so-called "Kabyle-jewelry").

only 10 more nights, kids...! from the Wishing-Well, funny Christmess, B.E. Nares

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