
Original Message:   Re: Is the Hermitage Lying?
Hi Nancy,

Your attitude toward me is very polarizing and counterproductive.

I have not written anything about the Hermitage..., nor about their amber, and nor about the issue of selling "fake amber." I don't know where you get this stuff. Are you looking for a fight, or an issue to press?

I am here to share information. I will gladly tell you (or anyone) anything I know. However, do you know the old adage about flies and honey? You will get more out of me if you don't insult my intelligence nor challenge me about untrue or unrealistic things.

The link you post here does not present accurate information. It cannot be. The amount of amber that is excavated or recovered in Russia is pretty small in comparison to that from the Baltic States, Poland, and Germany. In the 1970s and '80s, the ONLY amber that came out of Russia was pressed amber—and I am not totally convinced it was locally manufactured. This pressed amber is still available, and still passed-off as "natural" and as "antique." In the 1980s, when the Gorbachevs made a state visit to the US, Mrs. Gorbachev gave Mrs. Reagan a necklace of amber as a gift..., and it was cheap Russian pressed amber....

If by some fact of circumstance typical Chinese "root amber" actually comes from somewhere in Russia, that would be information worth having. It is certainly not impossible. However, I would wonder why so much is seen in China, and so little is known from Russia.... Root amber is not shown in the pictorial of your link. This is the ONLY topical thing I discussed in the reply I posted to Joyce, that you are taking exception to.


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