
Original Message:   Parting shots
We also visited a more conventional (and clean!) bead store called Glassunicum. The motto under the store name, "vše ze skla í o skle" means "everything from glass to glass" or something close to that.

Nothing of interest there for me, except for a glass nail file. Wish I had bought a pile of them for gifts since they were really inexpensive. Here's Floor mugging for the camera outside the shop. Floor loaded up on various items related to glass lampworking.

As a final picture about my visit to Jablonec - once I was home I sorted out enough "garden beads" to make a coral-colored necklace. It will be a favorite memento of Jablonec! Note - half of the beads I picked up were rejects, having only partial holes or no holes. If anyone is interested in having these, I'm happy to send them off to you if you pay for shipping. Please contact me by email or through BCN if you don't have my email.

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