
Original Message:   Re: fossil beads from Cambodia
Hi Giorgio,

Thanks for the confirmation that these are crinoids.

I wasn't present when they were dug up, so I can't say for sure, but I think it's highly unlikely that this is actually how they were strung - as with most of the ancient beads we see and collect today. Looted gravesites are always such a mess that it's never easy to see what the configurations might have been. Back in January, I remember, there was a brief discussion here about this, and I said then that it was my impression that in later Bronze Age sites in Southeast Asia, the long glass and agate tube beads which were so valued were worn on a shortish string high up on the throat, rather than at the bottom of a long necklace, which is where we often tend to place them today. With Neolithic beads I don't have any substantive information at all. I was told that all these beads were found in a single grave, but there's no way to confirm even that. I think it may be possible that some at least of the bivalve fossils were worn as bracelets or even anklets. I wish I had been able to find out more.



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