
Original Message:   Pouring more sand down rat hole...
Chanced upon these cool vintage (90s?)carved Chinese coral-colored glass beads on eBay, thought they might look nice with some of the Chinese glass beads I've been sorting through, so paid too much and bought them.

They'd been knotted on black rattail with an inexpensive filigree box clasp with a character mark stamp that I recollect as being from the 1990s.

I had fun today re-arranging them into a necklace I like better, soon to go back up on eBay. However, because it's strung on leather lacing (all the beads have big holes), I figure it is now unsalable for anything near what I paid for the beads, even despite the nice patina that the 25-years-old silver clasp has acquired.

Thus have mentally added it to the pile of things I'm permanently stuck with that will have to wait until I'm dead and not around to care, then my heir can give the necklace away to St. Vincent's.

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